Online Entry
Welcome to the Online Entry page.
What you need to know before you start...
You will need to fill out an individual form for each horse and rider combination.
You will need to fill out an individual form for each event.
Methods of payment include PayPal & Venmo, if using Venmo please select manual pay option in the checkout process.
Pricing is as follows
Each entry requires a $10 office fee​
Each Entry requires a $10 Facility fee
Each class/test you enter is $35
A day stall cost is $35
If you have any questions that you don't have answered in the FAQs page please contact, and someone will be happy to assist
Please note that show management reserves the right to dismiss any rider, trainer, equine or spectator for unsafe behavior. They also reserve the right to refuse entry to participants that have previously violated show rules or that do not align with our mission and vision.