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Show Rules

Pas de Cheval Dressage show series will be following all USDF rules and guidelines. 

Click Here to view formal attire and equipment guidelines as outlined by USDF


1. Have fun!
2. Be safe!
3. Be kind!
4. Helmets
MUST be worn at all times while mounted. No exceptions!
5. Participants are encouraged follow attire guidelines. 
6. All equine partners must have proof of up to date vaccinations.
7. All participants under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian present. 
8. 3 entries must be present in a class to contain a champion and reserve champion.
9. Competitor number to be worn on horses bridle while competing.
10. Have more fun!

Please note that show management reserves the right to dismiss any rider, trainer, equine or spectator for unsafe behavior. They also reserve the right to refuse entry to participants that have previously violated show rules or that do not align with our mission and vision. 
Safety checks will occur at warm-up arena. Please help our volunteers by checking the safety of your equipment prior to arrival. Thank you!​​
Attire Guideline
  • Show shirts are recommended.
  • Show coats are optional
  • Breeches can be any solid color or small print plaid
  • Footwear- Tall boots or paddock boots.
  • Helmets- properly adjusted USEF approved.
    • NO bike/ski/skating helmets allowed​
  • Hair to be tidy.
  • Mane and/or tail braiding is optional. 
  • Bits must adhere to USDF guidelines. Click Here to view.​
If for any reason financial constraints prevent a participant to be dressed appropriately please contact show management and arrangements can be made. 
Below is an excellent example of schooling show attire:

IMPORTANT: The Pas De Cheval team love competitors expressing themselves with colors and 'Matchy Matchy' outfits - there is also a Matchy Matchy award up for grabs, learn more here. See some examples below.

Warm Up Arena
​The warm up arena is available for competitor use at any time, however it is recommended for the purpose of warming up before your test time, not for any other extra curriculum activities.​ Coaching is allowed, please review the coaching section of this FAQs page here.

The following is NOT allowed inside of the warm up arena
  • Children playing
  • Bareback riding
  • Lunging
  • Group lessons
  • Loose horses
  • Dogs

Warm up arenas can get busy; the PCD team strongly recommends that everyone tries their best to demonstrate arena etiquette and encourages more experienced competitors to be considerate to others that may be attending their first show.
Here is a guideline of arena etiquette:

1. In general, riders should pass left shoulder to left shoulder.

2. Remain on the second track when working at the walk.

3. Announce, in a loud voice, when you are entering and exiting the arena.

4. Keep at least one horse’s length between you and another horse.

5. Don’t ride up the tail of any horse. Turn across the arena.

6. Use the second and third tracks. The most used part of the ring is the track—the outermost path around the ring going in to each corner. When many horses are utilizing the same space, it may be necessary to use the second and third tracks. The second track is just to the inside of the outer track, leaving just enough space to pass between you and the rail. The third track is two meters (6 ½ feet) from the rail and allows even more room for horses to safely pass you on the outside.

7. When riding a circle, look in the direction you are going and ride on the second track. This allows other riders to pass you on the outside and not cut through your circle. If you doubt that another rider is aware you are circling, you may call out “circle,” to let others know your intentions before moving to the second or third track.

8. Faster horses or horses traveling at a faster gait should avoid getting too close behind other horses. This can be achieved by circling or utilizing ring figures such as a half-diagonal, serpentine or turning across the B-E line.

9. The use of voice is another tool to gain the attention of focused riders and to let them know where you are planning to go.

Safety checks will occur at warm-up arena. Please help our volunteers by checking the safety of your equipment prior to arrival. Show officials hold the right to dismiss any persons from the warm arena is dangerous behavior is shown, mistreatment of horses or vulgar behavior. ​

Dressage Test Access


All, most recent, dressage tests can be accessed and downloaded via this website, these are the tests that will be used and judged against at shows. Click Here to view.

Horse Equipment and Turn Out


The Pas De Cheval Dressage show follows the USDF guidelines which can be viewed here.


  • Leg protection such as schooling boots are allowed within the warm up arena only.

  • Please check here for the official USEF horse bit guide to check you are within regulations.

  • A dressage saddle is not a required item. Other English style saddles are permitted.

  • Braiding is not required but very much enjoyed if you do decide to braid.

  • No weighted shoes or boots are allowed at anytime.

  • Ear bonnets are permitted

  • Sufficient saddle pad based on the cut of saddle is required.

  • Creating coat patterns i.e. is permitted. External add-on's to coat is not allowed i.e. glitter designs.

  • Ribbons in horse tails only to indicate the following:

RED - Horse may Kick​

YELLOW - Stallion that needs space

GREEN - Young horse that needs space

WHITE - For sale

IMPORTANT: The Pas De Cheval team love competitors expressing themselves with colors and 'Matchy Matchy' outfits - there is also a Matchy Matchy award up for grabs, learn more here. See some examples below.



Inviting your trainer on show day is welcomed, and there is no need to declare your use of a trainer or pay any extra fees. Trainers are permitted to coach during warm up time only and are asked to stay outside of the warm up arena.


Coaching or any outside assistance during the time of a competitors test is forbidden, and the competitor may face elimination if this occurs. This includes coaching tools like talking headsets.

What to know for your first show​


Here are a few useful things to know before you arrive.


Prepare any important paperwork you might need such as proof of ownership copies for horse/trailer, vaccination proof. Although these are not required to be presented at the show it is within good practice to have them on you at all times.


When you arrive park your trailer in the designated parking area, attendants will not be on site so please be mindful of others that need to park.


Walk to the sign-in office/desk and collect you competitor number and any other information. at this point you may want to ask any useful questions such as 'are the current times on track' or ' where can access water for my horse'. If you have a day stall, you can get your stall assignment too.


Its not recommended to leave your horse unattended if you are not confident in their ability to be calm unattended.


Watching a few other competitors first is a great way to familiarize yourself with how the show is being run.


You are free to utilize the warm up arena at anytime, see the warm up guide on this page here.


You are required to wait outside the show ring only if you are the next competitor.


When you enter the show ring your may work your horse around the outside of the arena until the bell is called for you to enter. When the bell is called you have 45 seconds to enter at A. 


After you have completed your test it may take some time for the tests to be collected and marked and prizes given - you collect these from the same place you signed in.




Lunging at shows is only permitted in lunging allocated pens if venue provides one.


Lunging in warm up arena or open space is not allowed

Class Entry Limitations


The Pas De Cheval schooling show is very accepting of competitors wanting to access as many classes as they want. 


However please be mindful to what your horse is capable of and other riders that may be competing.



If you change your mind on a class you have entered please contact immediately, 72 hours notice is a requirement to change to another class with no penalty. 


Scratches (not attending a class), are not eligible for refunds, but show staff is happy to assist in getting you into another class.


If you feel like you are eligible for a refund and your question does not fall in the above, please contact show management at

Non Competing Horses​


Non competing horses are not allowed at the venue at any time. Apologizes for any inconvenience caused.

Readers for Tests​


Having a test reader is available to all competitors.


The competitor must supply their own reader as Pas De Cheval does not have them available. 


Competitor and reader must not communicate in any way during the test, outside of reader reading the test.


Reader must stand outside of the ring, usually at B.



The Pas De Cheval show series has signed a very popular local photographer; Kelsey McCarthy, owner of photography business KCM Equine.


To learn more about Kelsey or view her pictures/portfolio, please visit her website here.



Stacie Howard - 503-410-0441 - PO Box 915, Blanchard, ID 83804

©2022 Pas De Cheval Dressage

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